Looking for a more personal alternative to a chatbot? The VideoAsk widget helps you welcome and interact with site visitors in a truly personalized way.
When embedded, the videoask widget will "float" at the bottom of your page or throughout your site until clicked on to activate. Once activated site visitors can complete your videoask without leaving the page.
Widgets are a really effective way to display forms and other interactive elements without disrupting your site visitors' experience. They do, however, need to be clicked for a visitor to view your videoask.
If you'd like to display a videoask embedded directly into your page's content, learn how to embed a videoask with an iframe.
Note: You must have a valid SSL certificate to allow a widget to open on your site. Otherwise, your videoask will open in a new tab.
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Build and embed a videoask widget
Embedding instructions for your website builder or CMS
Build and embed a videoask widget
Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you want to embed. Click the Share & Embed icon.
Click Embed in a website.
Select Widget from the dropdown.
Choose the widget style, position (left or right), and border color. Type any call to action Overlaying text, if desired.
If you'd like site visitors to be able to dismiss your widget, then toggle the Make widget dismissable option on.
As you build the widget, your changes will be reflected in the preview on the left. Toggle between desktop and mobile to compare how your widget will appear on different devices, or click expand to view it full screen.
Click the preview widget to see how the steps of your videoask will display in a modal window.
When you're happy with your widget design, click Copy embed code.
Paste the widget code inside the <body> tags of your page or in the footer of your site.
Note: If you want to update the design of your widget, you'll need to update the widget code on your page. The widget won't automatically update if you change the design in VideoAsk.
Embedding instructions for your website builder or CMS
Below are step-by-step embedding instructions for a specific website builder or CMS
Embed a videoask widget in a Squarespace site
Embed a videoask widget in a WordPress site
Embed a videoask widget in a Wix site
Embed a videoask widget in a Webflow site
Embed a videoask widget in a Leadpages site
How can I customize my widget?
You can further customize your widget by embedding multiple widgets in one page, delaying when the widget loads, or loading it depending on visitor behavior. If you know a little bit of coding, there's a lot more you can customize with your widgets.
Explore our advanced embed options and code snippet library here.
Do embedded videoasks affect load time?
Because all the video content is hosted by us, embedded videoasks should not significantly affect the load speed of your site.
Load speed can, however, be affected by your geographic location when loading a videoask (i.e., relative proximity to our servers) as well as the method of embedding (iframe vs widget).
To test and compare this, please see our page load speed test.
Why do I have two widgets loading on top of each other on my website?
The widget code might have been inserted more than once on your website by accident. Check in your website builder if more than one widget code has been inserted.
💡 Tip: The VideoAsk widget code contains your videoask URL. You can search for your videoask URL in your site code if you need to locate and remove the widget code.
If you're using Google Tag Manager to track events and have inserted the embed code in Google Tag Manager, this will result in two widgets loading on top of each other when you click on the widget.
To work around this, we recommend embedding your widget code directly on your website instead. You can still connect your videoask to Google Tag Manager to track events by inserting the Container ID in VideoAsk.